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Innovative Rural Economic Development

NC East Alliance serves as a regional economic development contact for companies interested in locating in eastern NC and provides technical assistance for international entrepreneurs wanting to enter the United States market. Due to the increasing demand for labor and lack of supply, much of the organization’s efforts have shifted to addressing the labor force issues in eastern NC. This effort is highlighted by the STEM East Industry In Schools Initiative outlined below. NC East will continue to market eastern NC to attract talent interested in an affordable region with a high quality of life.

STEM East Industry In Schools:

STEM Schools of Distinction

Industry has recognized the impact a STEM School of Distinction can have on students. NC East will work with K-12 public schools to increase the number of STEM Schools of Distinction in the region through technical assistance workshops.

ATE Network

The National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technical Education program supports the development of partnerships between community colleges, other academic institutions, and industry to improve STEM education for a technical workforce in a specific industry. NC East will work to develop regional partnerships in eastern NC to pursue opportunities supported by the NSF ATE program. 

Industry Cluster Education

NC East will work to create a number of Industry in Schools clusters focused on the prominent industries of eastern NC. These clusters will connect industry directly to schools to promote awareness of education, training opportunities, and jobs within a cluster.

Regional Career and Job Fairs

NC East will work with regional partners to develop industry specific regional career and job fairs. Companies from all over eastern NC in a specified industry will come together to highlight the wide variety of opportunities within their industry.



Community College Members

School District Members